Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Making our own Zoo!

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we learnt to do new things in Explain Everything. 

We had lot's of fun making our very own Zoo story book. 

We used:

  • Text boxes
  • Clip Art
  • Inspector tool
We even made sure our animals had some Kai!


  1. Wow Ruma Rua this is great! What did you enjoy most about this lesson? What is your favourite animal? Mine is definitely the elephant! Keep up the great work you guys are awesome!

  2. Malo Room 2,
    I hope you learned a lot about creating your own online zoo using text boxes, clip art and the inspector tool!
    Well done, keep up the great work!

    -Miss Tavioni

  3. Oh WoW Room 2, looks like you had so much fun learning those. I like how Elina is making sure she's got it right, hahaa. so sute. Well, keep it up Room 2!
