Monday, 7 March 2022

Term 1 Swimming

The Room 2 students LOVE to go swimming. It is their favourite part of the day.  Some children were already confident in the water, swimming, and doing handstands in the water. Others were less confident , and didn't want to get their faces wet, or didn't want to swim without a floaty.  Now that we are almost a the end of the swimming season, they are all now putting their heads under the water, and trying to float on their backs. We have been learning to float by lying on our backs, pushing our belly button and face up to the sky. Then relax and breathe ! I am so proud of you all ! Well done :) 

Our Class Treaty


Our class had a talk and decided on some rules that everyone in the class would like for Room 2 people to follow.  We talked about how we could make our class and school a happy and safe place to come to everyday. The lovely children i room 2 made these rules for their classroom. Aren't they awesome!? 

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Practicing our Kawa of Care Routines

 Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Talofa Lava here is our poster we made about the Kawa of Care routines for our ipads. 

Look at how clever Room 2 is at looking after their iPads. 

Thursday, 24 February 2022

Making a marshmallow catapult


This week we had a little STEM challenge (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) . We used popsicle sticks and elastic bands to make a catapult. We used a youtube video to help us learn the steps. We discovered some important concepts like creating leverage for launching our marshmallow.  We had fun trying to see if we could launch the marshmallow high enough to reach our mouth. And then we had fun trying to see how far or high we could launch our marshmallow. It was SO much fun! 

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Let 2022 begin !


Welcome back to school for 2022! As the teacher of Room 2 I am very excited to meet my lovely new students, and a handful who were with me towards the end of last year. 

Welcome to 2 students in Room 2 who are new to our school, Mariana and Lavenita. We are delighted to have you at our school

2022 will be a fun year of learning about our local place (Glen Innes), our wider place (Auckland) , our country , and our place in the world. 

Our school goals are Grow , Believe, Succeed.  

He waka eke noa - We are all in this together. All the best for 2022 Room 2 !  :)