Well last we we got the sudden news that New Zealand had to go into lockdown because the Delta variant of Covid-19 has arrived on our shores. It is a worrying time for many, but it's great to see how students and their whanau have transitioned back to online learning or paper packs.
Remember to focus on your wellbeing and be kind to those around you.
And don't forget that at a time like this - it is very important to keep to some routines, and do things for our wellbeing ! Like our lovely Elina in this photo below- exercising with her family. Thanks the this great example Elina !
Kia Orana ! This week we celebrated Cook Island language week !
We had a special assembly with some of the students from our room involved in a Cook Island dance, and a special visit from the Cook Island drumming group.
We also read a story about lava lava, learnt a Cook Island song and National anthem, and learned some greeting in Cook Island Language. We even had some Cook Island food !
The some of the junior teachers had matching dresses for the special occasion! Thanks to Tekura's mum for my special ei katu (head piece) .
Our very own Saia was an interviewer on Kea kids news! Check it out!
We interviewed Saia about how he got to interview on Kea Kids news.
Room 2: Saia, how did you get the opportunity to be an interviewer on Kea Kids News?
Saia: My brother's friend came over and asked me if I'd be interested, so I said "Im keen!". The the next day he came to fetch me, and took me to interview Tāne Wolfgramm in front of the camera.
Room 2: How did you know what questions to ask?
Saia: I just asked the questions the people there told me to.
Room 2: How did you feel when you were doing the interview?
Saia: I felt nervous at the time, but now I feel proud.
Room 2: Did you get to keep the boots he painted for you in the video?