Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Back into lockdown we go ! August 2021

Well last we we got the sudden news that New Zealand had to go into lockdown because the Delta variant of Covid-19 has arrived on our shores. It is a worrying time for many, but it's great to see how students and their whanau have transitioned back to online learning or paper packs.  

Remember to focus on your wellbeing and be kind to those around you.

And don't forget that at a time like this - it is very important to keep to some routines, and do things for our wellbeing !  Like our lovely Elina in this photo below- exercising with her family.  Thanks the this great example Elina ! 


  1. Awww so touch how you try your best to do your learning from home. You'll reap it later Room 2. Don't forget your well being. Take care!

  2. Hi Roon 2
    Great to see that you are all keeping up with your learning & most importantly looking after your well being at the same time.
    Well done Elina & family with your daily exercises.
    Stay safe everyone.

    Miss Atuahiva

  3. Hello Room 2! Hope you have all been well during lockdown. Great to see you all par-taking in some sort of activity to stay positive and productive. What's one thing you are enjoying about lockdown so far?

    -Miss Tavioni

  4. Well done to those in Room 2 that are keeping up with your home learning. Good to see you working.

  5. nice exercising keep up the good work

  6. Well done Tamariki, keep up the home learning and keeping active!

    Miss Maruariki

  7. hii room 2

    good to see some of yous are having fun , stay safe :)

    valerie <3

  8. Hi Room 2
    Its so sad not seeing your friends again because of the lock down and I hope all of you guys are still learning and hopefully we can go back to school and see our friends again. But anyways keep up the great work and also the great blogging and be safe and have a nice day.

  9. I hope you guys are having a wonderful time in
    lockdown and please stay safe😁

  10. Well done Room 2 keep up your good work.

  11. Great to see our Room 2 students learning from home. Well done. Keep being active and keeping yourselves safe by staying in your bubbles.

  12. Well done Rm2 students from working so hard from home we know its lockdown but you guys still try your best to keep you going for the day.Lots of love from Mrs Tukuafu.

  13. Hi Rm 2 Mose Here By: Room 3 & Glenbrae School i like your writng on Home and i Hope youn Enjoy yours writng well done Rm2 and also keep it Up!!! Rm 2 and By: Mose :)
